My Passion and Commitment:

1. To help underachieving students to develop improved academic confidence and effective study strategies.

2. To help parents understand their adolescent’s performance issues and support them in their efforts to access support at school.

Approximately 1 out of 4 high school students is not working up to potential. If you believe that your teen is one of them, it is definitely time to do something about it.

The Stakes Are High: A weak transcript, low motivation and poor executive functioning all can affect a student’s college acceptance as well as their future success in a career.

A lack of academic motivation and confidence may be due to inefficient neuropsychological processing or emotional issues such as depression and anxiety. These concerns may complicate your adolescent’s school performance.

Valuable time can be lost through inaction and students can become demoralized when wrong assumptions are made about them or if the cause is misdiagnosed.

Are You Observing Any of the Following?

a) Daily procrastination
b) A chronic lack of HW production
c) Long term papers are started at the last minute and handed in late
d) Your teen rarely does schoolwork without repeated nagging
e) 10-15 min of study per night is the norm
f) Grades usually start strong and fade as the year goes on

The Good News: All of these behaviors are likely part of a
‘bad habit loop’ which has been learned and unconsciously reinforced over time. Scientific research indicates that bad study habits can be reversed by systematically applying specific teaching principles and techniques.

Study Habit Reversal: must occur before underperforming students are able to independently and successfully use their new skills at home and in school.

My Work Teaches and empowers each student to:

  • Evaluate their current ineffective school routines
  • Learn effective learning and work completion strategies
  • Use these strong, new study habits to earn better grades